Putnam County Volunteer Organization

About Putnam County Volunteer Organization

VOAD is a national organization recognized by both FEMA and Homeland Security.
Tennessee VOAD is our state organization recognized by National VOAD and TEMA.
The Putnam County Volunteer Organization is a member of the Tennessee Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster.
Putnam County Volunteer Organization assists volunteer organizations become more effective in their service in disaster relief and recovery in Putnam County.

Our Mission:

Putnam County Volunteer Organization’s mission is to foster, through cooperation in mitigation and response, more effective service to people affected (imperiled or impacted) by disasters in Putnam County, TN.

Contact Us

VOAD PositionNameRepresenting OrganizationE-mail
President/ChairRandy AdamsPutnam County Volunteerspctnvolresponse@gmail.com
For general or media inquiries email: pctnvolresponse@gmail.com